Advertising Specs

Native Ads

Placed in publishers newsletters

Title: 55 character limit.

Body: 90 character limit.

Image: 800x600 recommended size.

Display Ads

Hosted on publishers websites and landing pages

Sizes: 300x250 | 970x550 | 970x250 | 300x600
160x600 | 120x600 | 970x90 | 728x90 | 468x60

Dedicated Email Ads

Sent from publishers emails

Subject: No character limit.

Body: 1 to 2 page creative recommended.

Images: Optional. No size limit.


Hosted on publishers ‘Thank You’ page

Title: 200 character limit.

Body: No character limit, but no more
than 255 is recommended.

Image: 800x600 recommended size.

Destination URL Macros


[domain] - publisher’s domain

[creative] - creative id

[adid] - advertiser id

[pubid] - publisher id

[sitename] - domain without punctuation

[device] - Possible values are 'desktop' or 'mobile'

Dedicated Email:

[networkid] - publisher’s main site

[creative] - creative id

[adid] - advertiser id

[pubid] - publisher id

[sitename] - domain without punctuation

[device] - Possible values are 'desktop' or 'mobile'

Native Email:

[networkid] - publisher’s main site

[creative] - creative id

[adid] - advertiser id

[pubid] - publisher id

[sitename] - domain without punctuation

[device] - Possible values are 'desktop' or 'mobile'

Custom Terms Macros:

[[advertiserCompany]] - advertiser’s company

[[publisherCompany]] - publisher’s company

[[date]] - current date when signed

Email Creative Macros

[[unsubscribe]] - unsubscribe link with link text “unsubscribe”

[[clickhere]] - unsubscribe link with link text “click here”

Example footer copy:

Advertiser Company: This ad is sent on behalf of Advertiser Company. If you would like to unsubscribe from receiving offers from Advertiser Company please [[clickhere]] or write to Advertiser Company, Advertiser Address